Interview with the 'We will rock you' cast members. 1) What has your role been in the show? What has this entailed? Jessie McColm : I played the part of Meatloaf in the show, which consisted of a few lines and songs. Most of my scenes were in act one, and I also had my own solo. Jamie Quirke: I played Brit, one of the main roles!! It was full of lots of singing, dancing and acting. Harrison Deas: I was the male lead in the show, Galileo Figaro. This meant that I had to take a leadership role as one of the oldest members of the cast. As well as setting an example, I also had to help the younger cast members feel comfortable acting, singing and dancing in front of people they didn't know, which meant developing relationships where they could come to me if they needed advice. 2) What's your favourite thing about the performance? Jessie : My favourite thing was hanging out and having fun with the other cast members, especially duri...
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