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Showing posts from July, 2019
Outside Work From Sixth Formers Daveriel Purugganan is an artist and in his spare time he likes to create art either digitally or by hand. He says that ‘he likes to sit and draw whatever comes to mind’. It is something he likes to take up in his spare time. Sadun De Silva is a filmmaker and he is working on a film called ‘Cartel’. The trailer has officially come out. The release date is July 12th and he says ‘the support he has received amazing’, hitting over 500 views. Acting in the film are stars Jazib Jawed, Shauns Shibu, Milosz Chrobak and Oskar Bzducha as well as other actors outside from school. Ryan Doyle is also directing his own short films which are filmed by Sadun De Silva. His first film to come out is called ‘Horticultural Homicide’. He says that ‘it is still in the works but will be done before next term.’ Acting in the film are stars Connor Connoly, Rafael Silva and more! Last season the Cowley Warriors football team had won the cup final....